Services - ATBE Auto Claims

ATBE Automobile Fund Claims
Claim for Property Damage/Personal Injury
To claim damages to property and damages for personal injury as a result of an automobile incident with an ATBE Member board of education owned or operated Covered Automobile download, complete, and submit the Claim for Property Damage/Personal Injury form and all supporting documentation required in the form to the Covered Party (e.g., board of education). (Primarily for use by INDIVIDUALS and ENTITIES asserting a direct claim.) (To be returned to the ATBE Covered Party, NOT to ATBE. Initial submissions directly to ATBE do NOT qualify as an ATBE Claim and will NOT be reviewed. Return ONLY to the Covered Party.)
SUBROGATION Claim for Property Damage/Personal Injury
To assert a SUBROGATION claim for payments made for damages to property and damages for personal injury as a result of an automobile incident with an ATBE member board of education owned or operated Covered Automobile download, complete, and submit the Subrogation Claim for Property Damage/Personal Injury form and all supporting documentation required in the form to the Covered Party (e.g., board of education). (Primarily for use by COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANIES, not individuals.) (To be returned to the ATBE Covered Party, NOT to ATBE.Initial submissions directly to ATBE do NOT qualify as an ATBE Claim and will NOT be reviewed. Return ONLY to the Covered Party.)
Claim for Medical Payments to Alabama Board of Adjustment
To make a claim for medical payments you may file a personal injury claim with the Alabama Board of Adjustment.
NOTE: The Contact Us mailing address and telephone numbers for the Alabama Association of School Boards (AASB) are NOT appropriate contacts for ATBE Claims. Information submitted to the AASB mailing address does not satisfy the conditions of ATBE Claim coverage and will NOT be reviewed.
NOTE: Follow all instructions. Failure to follow instructions as set forth on this webpage or on the ATBE Claim forms may result in the matter not being reviewed by ATBE, no response from ATBE, or delay in administration by ATBE.