Services - Automobile APD Loss Procedure

ATBE Automobile Fund Notice of APD Loss Procedure
(For ATBE Member boards of education)
1. Report All Incidents within 7 days of Incident
All Incidents involving a Member (board of education) owned or Covered Party operated Automobile, as defined in the Coverage Agreement and Endorsement, should be reported by the Covered Party or an authorized representative of the Covered Party within 7 days of the Incident by submitting to the Fund or its designee at the contact information below a completed ATBE Automobile Fund Incident Report form and all supporting documents.
2. Submit all APD Losses within 15 days of Incident
As a condition precedent to any Automobile Physical Damage (APD) coverage provided by the applicable Endorsement, all Losses for Automobile Physical Damage allegedly arising from an Incident with a Covered Automobile must be reported to the Fund or its designee by submitting to the contact information below for receipt within 15 days after an Incident the ATBE Automobile Fund Automobile Physical Damage Loss form completed by an authorized employee of the Member (board of education) and all supporting documentation requested by ATBE.
Do not authorize or incur any expenditure related to an Incident the cost of which the Member expects ATBE to pay without prior approval and authorization from ATBE.
ATBE Automobile Physical Damage Coverage is subject to a $2,000.00 per Loss Deductible. Please do not assert an Automobile Physical Damage Loss where the total is known to be less than $2,000.00.
Reporting Contact Information
(solely for use by ATBE member boards of education)
- Via E-Mail: