Services - Policy Review & Analysis

Protect Your Schools
Legally sound, practical policies
An out-of-date policy manual that is not periodically reviewed and updated can quickly become obsolete. Laws change and so do regulations, administrative
directives, court decisions and research-based best practices for more effective educational administration. As a result, school systems face the ongoing
challenge of keeping their policy manuals up-to-date.
Experts Who Understand
Focused on the nuances of education policy in Alabama
Take advantage of the collective experience and wisdom of the Alabama Association of School Boards’ expert policy consultants. They know Alabama's law,
the role of the board in policymaking, what should and shouldn't be in a policy manual and how school boards function. Count on them for a general
review of policies, recommended policies and revisions as well as reorganization and reformatting of outdated policy manuals. Our experts also provide
a report to the board. They ensure our service is prompt, easy and highly beneficial.
Interconnected Services
Go from policy development to policy maintenance
Choose our Policy Review & Analysis service and AASB will upload your board-approved policies to your Simbli Policy Module for free.
This incentive is for Simbli Policy Module subscribers or those who subscribe to the module within 24 months of completing the AASB Policy Review &
Boards who use the AASB Policy Review & Analysis Service get a free, first-year subscription to the Policy Pipeline in the year their policy revisions are complete.
Get Started!
To request cost and service details, contact us or send email to or give us a call at 800/562-0601. Click here for a full list of AASB services.