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SBOE Reviews Process to Notify Parents of School Choice Options for Priority Schools, Cell Phone Usage Resolution

Jan. 11 SBOE Meeting & Work Session Recap


SBOE Reviews Process to Notify Parents of School Choice Options for Priority Schools, Cell Phone Usage Resolution

System Notification to Parents of School Choice Options for Priority Schools

The State Board of Education Thursday discussed the requirements and process for local systems notifying parents/guardians of their options for students assigned to or zoned to a priority school, pursuant to the Alabama Accountability Act as amended in 2023 (Act 2023-418). The 2022-2023 state report card identifies 206 priority schools (school grade D or F).

There was robust discussion about the report card's achievement data as well as chronic absenteeism indicators. State Superintendent Eric Mackey pointed out the "atrocious" rates of chronic absenteeism, citing some systems with rates higher than 30%.

Pursuant to the Alabama Accountability Act, students assigned to or currently enrolled in priority schools have four school choice options for the 2024-2025 school year:

  • Request a transfer to a qualifying (non-priority) school in their system that earned a C grade or higher, with transportation provided by the school system, if available;
  • Attend a qualifying school in a different school system that earned a C grade or higher if the system will accept the student;
  • Seek a tax credit scholarship to attend a participating nonpublic school; or
  • Stay enrolled in their current school.

Local systems have until Jan. 16, 2024, to notify parents/guardians of their options and parents/guardians have until March 1, 2024, to make their decision. Systems will report this information to the ALSDE.

For further information, read: No more ‘failing’ schools. See which schools Alabama labels for ‘priority,’ expanded school choice.

Draft Resolution on Cell Phone Usage

The State Board also discussed a draft resolution strongly encouraging local boards of education to adopt policies limiting student use of cell phones and other electronic devices while on school property. The Board also recommends systems ensure teachers are knowledgeable about the cell phone policy and convey the expectation that teachers will comply with the policy's terms and conditions.

AASB had the opportunity to review the draft prior to Thursday's meeting, which Mackey noted during the work session, and provided feedback the policy should be reviewed as needed, not annually. SBOE Vice President Tracie West (District 2) requested ALSDE notify legislative leadership of the SBOE's action on this issue. The draft resolution will be added to the Jan. 31 SBOE retreat agenda for further discussion, including a presentation from Montgomery Public Schools Superintendent Melvin Brown on the system's rollout of a cell phone ban policy in the 2023-2024 school year.

 For further information, read: Alabama eyes limiting student use of cell phones at school.

Other Action Items and Discussion

  • The SBOE announced its intent to adopt Alabama Administrative Code Rule 290-3-3-.61 about literacy coursework in the science of reading.
  • The SBOE recognized the life and achievements of Mary Jolley, who was instrumental in securing support for federal passage of the National Defense Education Act of 1958, the first national student loan program, which also provided funding to support math and science in public schools.
  • Spring Hill College, University of Mobile, Talladega College, and Auburn University Montgomery's educator preparation programs delivered presentations during the work session. Auburn University Montgomery recently launched its first doctoral education program.
  • Schools will be notified of the Legislative School Performance Award on Wednesday, Jan. 17.

2024 Regular Legislative Session and ETF Update

The Alabama Legislature convenes for the 2024 regular legislative session Feb. 6. The governor's budgets, including the Education Trust Fund, will be transmitted by the governor to the legislature after they convene. This means the governor's recommended ETF for FY2025 will be available by the next SBOE meeting on Feb. 8.

Next SBOE Meeting

The board’s next meeting will take place Thursday, Feb. 8 at 10 a.m. in Montgomery with a work session immediately following. The board's annual retreat will take place on Jan. 31 at Alabama State University.  

Ada Katherine van Wyhe, MPA
AASB Director of Governmental Relations

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